Tax deduction for families with children


In Serbia there is no tax deduction for families with children, but there is some financial support for families with children. Examples of this support are following:

  • The right to reimbursement of the total cost of preschool for children with disabilities,
  • The right to reimbursement of the total cost of preschool for children without parental care,
  • The right to reimbursement of the total cost of preschool for children from materially endangered families.



  • children with disabilities
  • children without parental care
  • materially endangered families with children 


You can submit application for reimbursement of the total cost. Depending on which category the child belongs, you should add some additional documents. More information you can find at (in Serbian): Pravilnik o bližim uslovima i načinu ostvarivanja prava na finansijsku podršku porodici sa decom(Rulebook on closer terms and conditions and manner of exercising the right to financial support of the family with children Chapter 36 – 45.)


You can submit documentation to the local government unit.