Check-list of documents needed to employ a person, including relevant notification duties


You need to submit a single form (M Form, that can be bought at the post office), and it contains information about  both the employee and the employer – contributions payer.
In addition to the M form for each employee you need to submit the employment contract, working booklet, a copy of ID and old health insurance card.
You will get a certified M-A form as a proof that an employee has been registered. Within a period of eight days from the day of receiving it, you are obliged to deliver a copy to every employee.


Required documentation can be submitted in one of the branches of the NHIF (National Health Insurance Fund) or NPDF (National Pension and Disability Fund), but a better option is the NHIF, because at the same time a health card can be obtained.

Belgrade, Serbia

Republički fond za zdravstveno osiguranje (National Health Insurance Fund)

Jovana Marinovića 2

11000 Belgrade
T 011/ 2053-830
F +381112645042; +381112688420